
This site is ever a work in progress. It is being built with accumulated gestures. I place them here, in this space between us, so that we might surprise ourselves, so that we might know our connection.

Quite imperfect

Mothering the boys is the most volatile thing I've ever experienced.

Studio shot.  Artist statement in progress.  Perhaps it will make it for the second half of the Tomato Head show 

Studio shot.  Artist statement in progress.  Perhaps it will make it for the second half of the Tomato Head show 

I long for intentional days spent together learning, laughing, eating, and resting well.  This is what I mean by striving for motherhood as a creative act.  But, if I'm honest, the actuality of what this looks like for children ages 1 and 3 is much too messy for me.  Way too organic and adventuresome for comfort.  I'm the learner in this relationship, for sure.

I have further thoughts but I've got one with snot running down his face and another diving into the fireplace so I've got to go.  This is what I mean. 


A southern porch living room

Our messy house