
This site is ever a work in progress. It is being built with accumulated gestures. I place them here, in this space between us, so that we might surprise ourselves, so that we might know our connection.

listen, honey

poem by Allison Glock, illustration by me

poem by Allison Glock, illustration by me

God met me right where I was this morning.  Which was toting a baby, picking up crushed crackers and fretting over the fact that I couldn't vacuum.  I felt annoyed that I could not vacuum.  Listen to me.  I was anguished because I could not carry out a chore.  I don't even particularly enjoy vacuuming.  If I made a list of activities that bring me joy, vacuuming would not appear till line #7890042438.

And the Lord helped me, bless my heart.  A little wave of fresh winter air rushed into this stuffed up, stale head of mine and said, "Darling, you are missing this opportunity.  You cannot vacuum (because Addair is sleeping), so go enjoy doing something else."  Lord have mercy.  Go write that note you've been meaning to write.  Sit in the floor and give Thatch your undivided attention.  Journal.  Drink a glass of water.  Read that new Garden and Gun that came in the mail.  Write this blog.  But please, dear one, stop feeling contempt for this moment I'm giving you.  You've got it good, now go enjoy the heck out it.  

Limitations as opportunities, this is what I am learning.

Thank you, God for not giving up on me.  I know I'm a frustrating case.

Here's to painting in 2015

But I like it