I'm visually drawn to things for a long time before I understand why. The spaces I've been attracted to have been spare and white which makes sense on the surace of things. Three tiny boys make a lot of noise (in every sense of the word) and a visually quiet space is like a cool drink of water.
For Lent, I've given up podcasts, music, and videos in our home. I craved the absence of multi-tasking, comparison, and external guidance. Yesterday the quiet whispered a revelation about why I keep seeking these cleared out spaces.
Samples for a Knox Revival job. We're in the early stages of launching #agooddayswork campaign to shift the industry's culture toward artisanship. Making space for living well.
"Take everything that's bright and beautiful in you and introduce it to the shadow side of yourself. Let your altruism meet your egotism, let your generosity meet your greed, let your joy meet your grief...But when you are able to say, 'I am all of the above, my shadow as well as my light', the shadow's power is put in service of the good." -Parker Palmer
That's why I've been editing down visual clutter, I'm clearing out a space for all the parts of myself to occupy. I am intuitively communicating to myself a message of abundance. There's enough room for all of us.