
This site is ever a work in progress. It is being built with accumulated gestures. I place them here, in this space between us, so that we might surprise ourselves, so that we might know our connection.

it pains me to show you this but,

it pains me to show you this but,

day 66

cycle day 4

first quarter

king of pentacles reversed

71 degrees, cloudy

I’m sticking to the process, even as it feels a bit uncomfortable showing the ugly bits.

Painted the black boards in the house and I’m not sure that I like it. I don’t have black paint to paint over it and really I’m not sure that I want it black but I’m not sure what I do want. Feels good to be painting again but am reminded that I never really like what I paint so painting on my house is causing a bit of melancholia. I need to incorporate more automatism or chance so that I can be curious and soft toward it. I think also I’m being a bit too tepid, but I’m warming up. This is the underpainting, in which I create a problem to solve because apparently I think this fun.

I also worked on Cruz’ summer tour band poster. It was fun to explore similar aesthetics on such different scales and in different media. I’m vibing with cosmic flower power funk right now. And I need more copper colored tinsel fringe. I think that might be what I do with my evening. I asked which spirit animal wanted to accompany the band across the continent and I heard fox.

peace work

peace work

it's possible I'm taking myself too seriously

it's possible I'm taking myself too seriously