collective membership (Aug-Nov)

collective membership (Aug-Nov)


Choose between an in-person local ROGUE COLLECTIVE or a zoom/correspondence format. The particulars will emerge depending on the needs/desires of the members. Meetings will take place every other week for a 3 month cycle, during theses times we will nourish creative community and support our heart work. All are welcome, our many-parts-working-as-one will care for the artist in all of us spanning a wide range of skill and interests. We will practice/study/seek in the context of community. Modes of inquiry may range from socialpractices, writing, environmental, movement, studio, performance, and beyond. Meeting times may range from curated co-studies, creative play, to individual critiques. In addition to these meeting circles, we will pair with one another on a rotating basis for weekly check-ins (suggested focus practices provided).

This invitation is extended both as a practice in strengthening our connections and a modality for sustaining The Center for Going Rogue (together). In the spirit of doing our little parts to root into the Really Real life under Capitalism barter/trade and other forms of value exchange are welcome, email me an initial idea for a value exchange and we can go from there. And if you’ve got extra, invite a friend or indicate you’d like to sponsor someone and I can arrange to extend that flow.

benefits include:

+ a circle for collaboration, co-study, growth, and creative support

+ exhibition opportunities at The Center for Going Rogue (together)

+being featured in GONE ROGUE publications

After payment, I’ll send over a few questions to collect your interests, preferences, and schedule availability and will be in touch with further details.

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