
This site is ever a work in progress. It is being built with accumulated gestures. I place them here, in this space between us, so that we might surprise ourselves, so that we might know our connection.

rushing is violence

rushing is violence

day 40

Phoenix AZ

cycle day 3

78 degrees, sunny

six of wands

Turns out building a homemade spaceship takes time. That’s my newest title and conception for this website. I arrived in Phoenix yesterday to watch my brother’s kids. I really like being Auntie Mama to them. And it also makes me miss my boys. My brother and sister-in-law recently divorced and it’s sad to be in their home. There’s a feeling of neglect and chaos that I recognize from my own house.

But being away, and I think something happening in the cosmos, has me feeling stable and ready to take on the transformation that has been underway for years but I think now I’m ready to materialize. I’ve set my habits. I’m committed to practices of faith and trusting in sacred economy. I know the work that is most important to me and that work can be carried out in any number of incarnations so I cannot be perturbed by any circumstance.

Yesterday was a lot of flying so I’m sitting still to let my spirit catch up. Eventually I want to get out to the desert. Perhaps revisit the Apache Trail. It’s strange that I’m in the desert now but can hardly feel it. Just as I’m supposedly in the woods in Knoxville but we’ve masked that too.

I feel ready for love in a way that is new. I think because I am feeling grounded, like I couldn’t possibly be swept off my feet, thank the gods.

I’ve drug my feet on getting the tents because I’ve been afraid of letting go of the money for them but I think I’m ready now. I think I need to physically put one up to feel my way through the next step.

I’ve been having restless sleep, feels like I’m working a lot of psychic energy out of my system while I’m “doing nothing”. I’m now remembering that I made my own graduation robe and wrote “practice not-doing and everything falls into place” on it. That was the blessing I wanted to wear on that day of commencement. And now here it is again as we commence into the astrological new year. Will you help me to remember?

photo of dwelling camp no. 2, phase one by Aimee Rievley, The Sparrows Eye

matter at the micro level isn't material

matter at the micro level isn't material

dear Gus, we're the art

dear Gus, we're the art