
This site is ever a work in progress. It is being built with accumulated gestures. I place them here, in this space between us, so that we might surprise ourselves, so that we might know our connection.

making connection visible, corridors for wildness

making connection visible, corridors for wildness

day 25

cycle day 16

58 degrees, rainy

knight of wands reversed

Today’s tasks include preparing WRASTLE MATCH for a guest, meeting with my art betches in a collective without a name, and meeting with Dale Mackey for our upcoming show MONSTER HOUSE.

Today’s tasks also include not succumbing to despair. I feel a lot of despair. But that is boring to type about and so I will refrain.

My friend and fellow artist Sarah Elsie invited me to walk around Gray Cemetery in the rain. Some of my favorite conversations happen on those paths. Sarah says it’s because the people there are chill. She’s good at making me laugh.

Wrote this “about me” for the digital product I’m working on. I don’t think it’s especially interesting but I’m having a difficult time accessing interesting today so it’ll have to do.

“East Tennessee is home to me and the three babies who aren’t babies anymore. We are mostly barefoot and are committed to moon howling and spades playing. Our shared art practice is fort building and rule breaking. Neon is my favorite neutral and butter is my favorite food. I paint, dance, write, make video animation, installations, textiles, and costumes.

I invite you into a co-creative conversation to embody the wild, vibrant, and particular expression that is our birthright as beings of this universe. “

The image shown is a weaving in progress. Made from internet cable among other things. Photo by Aimee Rievley, The Sparrows Eye Photography

planner for the low functioning (properly maladjusted)

planner for the low functioning (properly maladjusted)

assuming stuckness as an invitation

assuming stuckness as an invitation